Aril Brikha & Chymera are this week’s guests on Train Wrecks. On this episode, we focus on two producers who lean towards the melodic end of the techno spectrum. Both Aril and Bren (Chymera) give us a quick crash course of their personal history with music before the boys knock back a few Old Fashioned‘s courtesy of Bren.
The two also discuss their first breakout hits, with Chymera’s being “Umbrella” and Aril talking about his techno anthem “Groove La Chord.”
From there, the three discuss favorite gear, favorite albums new and old, questions submitted by fans, and finally…battle scars from parties! After that, it’s basically just the boys bullshitting over drinks just as you would expect right here on the show!
Upcoming Releases:
Merrin Karras – Apex [A Strangely Isolated Place] – Album out on June 10th
Chymera – Episode EP – [Cocoon Recordings] – July 2016
Aril Brikha on Facebook
Chymera on Facebook
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